Trying to create a facility security plan? Make sure you keep these big tips in mind while doing so.
Creating a security plan for any given facility requires a lot of care and effort. It means taking into account the safety of everyone from visitors, guests, customers, employees, and even data and property that ought to be protected at all times. Implementing a facility security plan also requires making sure that everyone is on the same page. It also means setting up the right infrastructure for future maintenance to keep whatever protocols are present in your facility’s security plan up-and-running. Take a look at these three steps in developing a facility security plan that will address your specific needs and vulnerabilities.
1. Understand Your Business
Before beginning the development of your security plan, you’re going to want to think about just how your business operates. Any new policies, protocols, or technologies ought to mesh with how your business is run. For example, you may be more concerned about regulating who can get into what areas of your building which should be reflected in the planning process. Your security plan doesn’t have to entail sacrificing efficiencies; in fact, everything should be done to create a system that is as unobtrusive as possible.
2. Prioritize Properly
What are you most concerned about when it comes to your building’s security? At times, this takes performing some risk assessment to understand just what is needed. Walking around your facility and taking notes on what kind of risks there can help you develop the proper plan for you. Look closely at entry points, any existing security technology, and parking structures. Sometimes you just need some simple upgrades to beef up your security technology but at other times you need a complete overhaul of what your approach is.
3. Stay in Touch
Once you’ve installed any new technologies or developed new policies, you’re going to want to regularly test them and make sure you’re in communication with whoever is impacted by the new security plan. Education is often one of the best ways to make sure a security plan works, but you should also be receptive to feedback in case the plan needs to be adjusted. If anyone has any major complaints, you may want to make changes to the system so that everyone is satisfied with how things are run.
Get in Touch with FiberPlus
FiberPlus has been providing data communication solutions for over 25 years in the Mid Atlantic Region for a number of different markets. What began as a cable installation company for Local Area Networks has grown into a leading provider of innovative technology solutions improving the way our customers communicate and keeping them secure. Our solutions now include:
- Structured Cabling (Fiberoptic, Copper and Coax for inside and outside plant networks)
- Electronic Security Systems (Access Control & CCTV Solutions)
- Wireless Access Point installations
- Public Safety DAS – Emergency Call Stations
- Audio/Video Services (Intercoms and Display Monitors)
- Support Services
- Specialty Systems
- Design/Build Services
FiberPlus promises the communities in which we serve that we will continue to expand and evolve as new technology is introduced within the telecommunications industry.
Have any questions? Interested in one of our services? Call FiberPlus today 800-394-3301, email us at info@fiberplusinc.com, or visit our contact page. Our offices are located in the Washington, DC metro area, Richmond, VA, and Columbus, OH. In Pennsylvania, please call Pennsylvania Networks, Inc. at 814-259-3999.
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